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Art by Angelika Schuster

Angelika Schuster Art - Responsive WordPress website

Art by Angelika Schuster

BRIEF:  Angelika Schuster, for whom we had developed a simple WordPress website, to support her Psychotherapist counselling consultancy business, asked us to create a second low cost website to display the paintings that she produces as an artist to achieve a balance between work and the other demands of life.

SOLUTION: We downloaded and set up a free version of the Virtue Theme by Kadence and uploaded photos of Angelika’s artworks, displaying them in a grid format on the Home page with links to separate pages for each painting.  We also assisted her to publish the website as a sub-domain of her Psychotherapist website domain (to achieve publication with zero additional hosting costs for the website name or the website hosting).

OUTCOME: An attractive website that shows Angelika’s paintings in an excellent light.



Visual Arts